by Simple Minded » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:42 am
Even thought this thread doesn’t seem to draw much response I’ll spule some more.
Looking back at the time I spent with my UAW comrades, it’s a wonder I didn’t get the shit kicked outta me a half dozen times, or the tires on my car slashed. I guess they figured they’d be better off educating the dumbass farm boy, plus it gave them opportunities to pitch their partyline spiel.
During the group discussions, 80% or so would remain quiet, 10% would laugh, and 10% would pitch the party line. The party line would strike me as pure nonsense, so I challenged them.
“If you came home from work and told your son to mow the lawn and he said “screw you, not my job!” what would you do?”
“If your kids were helping you do a job, and one was busting his butt, while the other was screwing around, would you tell the hard working kid to slow down cause he is making the slackade look bad?”
“If your daughter earned a A in a class at school, would you demand that the teacher average the grades so everyone gets a C+? Do you think that would be fair?”
“If you found out your child was not doing their best in school or for their employer, and their reason was “They don’t pay me to think!” or “they don’t pay me very much so I don’t do very much!”… How would you react?"
The response was always the same from the UAW mouthpiece, short version was they would apply some serious discipline to effect a major change in their children’s lousy attitude and behavior. 80% of those in attendence would nod in agreement with me.
Sure enough, some point over the next few days, more than a few would come up to me and say “You’re right kid! The UAW rules destroy people, their initiative, and their ability to do a good job and produce good product. But I am hooked. I would never want my child to adopt the attitude this place demands of us. Just don’t let them break you!”
After several years as a financial analyst and a hedge fund manager for one of the big financial firms in NYC, my niece thought the US should adopt more European labor practices. As a tourist, she thought Europe looked so grand. Now after living in Milan for 3 years, she is convinced that unionization is the kiss of death for a healthy economy.
Who knows, maybe we are both wrong. I often am. But before anyone advocates more unionization, I would advise working two years in a union shop, just so ya got a little experience under your belt. Better yet, get your kids some union jobs.
Such is America today….. Anyone who desires that someone else pay more, is looked upon as compassionate. Careful what you wish for. "Nothing is easier than demanding that someone else sacrifice!"
Exactly what one would expect at this point in the cycle.
"The desire for socialism is a huge bear market indicator. It is the desire to control the behavior of other people!"
I think all those who want everyone else pay more are all gonna get to see their wish come true. Much, much more so than they possible imagine at present.....
Can't blame that on Obama or Bush....