by Simple Minded » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:59 pm
Now that every taxer, every consumer, and every future taxpayer/consumer in America is responsible for the health costs of every individual in America, not to expect a massive wave of new regulations, fines, and restrictions is naive.
Not too hard to see the following in the near future:
the Fat Tax,
the High Colesterol Tax,
the High Blood Suger Tax,
Alcohol Consumption Tax,
Tobacco Consumption Tax,
Sugar Consumption Tax,
Salt Consumption Tax,
High Risk Occupation Tax,
High Risk Genetics Tax (refund available for those who are voluntarily sterilized),
the Horse Riders Tax,
the Motorcycle Riders Tax,
the Gun Owners Tax,
the Campers Tax,
the Women of Child Bearing Age Potential Pregnancy Tax (refund available for those who are voluntarily sterilized),
Additional safety regulations costs and rises in insurance policy premiums should also follow.
The doors have been opened with gleeful abandon, and notihing is off limits now......