Who would have guessed that the final arbiters of right and wrong, lawful and unlawful....
the nine solemn appointees for life to the Supreme Court of the United States...
unlike all lower courts HAVE NO ETHICAL CODE OF CONDUCT...
and how do we know this?
it has come up in the tawdry tale of how millionaires buy judges
as exemplified by one Virginia Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas
and bag lady for half a mill maybe more from a Southern conservative Crow
with apparent connections to one Muamar Gadaffhi......
and oh by the way
until they were stopped in their tracks ....
not to excuse either but the greater wrongs seem to go unpunished.
here are some excerpts of sleaze bucket Thomas' doings.....
Probably the largest conflict of interest is yet to come however and if Clarence Thomas does not recuse himself I think it would be time to start demanding his impeachment. His wife has recieved lots of money to lobby against Obama's Affordable Health Care Act. This bill has been pushed from many directions by Conservatives so they can get it before the Supreme court for another 5-4 decision making it Unconstitutional. Thomas refusal to recuse himself already tells you the fix is in.
Anthony Weiner former Congressman from New York was putting pressure on Justice Thomas over those very same conflicts and had posted Thomas conflict of interest on his web site. The next week Andrew Breitbart went into action against Weiner. While I will admit Weiner was stupid, David Vitter broke the law and is still in the Senate so we know Breitbart was not about honesty or integrity in Congress because nether he or Congress has any. But it is too late and the word is out and there will be a growing call to remove at least Justice Thomas from the highest court in America when we can accurately predict the 5-4 decision by making Health Care Unconstitutional. When it happens there will be no doubt that money has become justice and we will nolonger be a nation of laws.
Continue reading on Examiner.com To the Supreme Court money is justice - Philadelphia Progressive | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/progressive-in- ... z1PyAnMxO1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
If you are one of the privileged few increasingly it would seem there are no rules or laws you are duty bound to abide by. Just look at the Wall Street bankers and now apparently Justice Clarence Thomas.
First reported on Brad blog Justice Thomas appears to have knowingly and willfully falsified financial disclosure forms that hid over $700,000.00 his wife recieved from organizations like Heritage Foundation for over ten years.
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Justice Thomas. It would seem during the contentious hearings on Thomas Supreme Court nomination a group gave Thomas a huge boost by running attack ads against Senators known to be considering voting no on Thomas confirmation. That group was Citizens United.
Twenty years later Thomas voted in favor of Citizens United without either disclosing his conflict of interest or recusing himself as he should have ethically done. Citizens United v. FEC has resulted in a virtual corporate takeover of our political system because of the unlimited Corporate cash that can now be spent and not disclosed in our electoral system.
Protect Our Elections has called for an investigation of Thomas which you can read at:
http://www.protectourelections.org/index.php?q=node326" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Protect Our Elections is also stating that Thomas also provided his wife with insider information about the Citizens United case that she profitted from by launching a new company to take financial benefit of the Citizens United decision before it was even released by the Supreme Court.
On 5/27/2011 Thomas released his 2010 Financial Disclosure forms that show he invested thousands of dollars in Liberty Consulting Inc. a lobbying and consulting firm started by Thomas wife to cater to the Tea Party. Kevin Zeese attorney for Protect Our Elections believes Thomas and his wife conspired to enrich themselves from the Citizens United decision through Liberty Consulting and is calling for an investigation by the Justice Department into this case.
Continue reading on Examiner.com Time to investigate Justice Clarence Thomas - Philadelphia Progressive | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/progressive-in- ... z1PyF5GPPa" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Clarence Thomas Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief with Weiner Downfall
Every Democrat from the White House down screamed loudly for New York Representative Anthony Weiner to resign, and he finally did. But it's not a Democrat that's breathing the biggest sigh of relief at Weiner's downfall. It's Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. There was much talk a year ago that Weiner would be the point man on the House Judiciary Committee if it decided to go after Thomas for his long trail of financial manipulations, abuse, and duplicity. Weiner gave some hope that he'd be the go to guy against Thomas because he had been hammering him publicly on his dealings and demanding that he recuse himself from any high court deliberations and ruling on the constitutionality of the health care reform law that conservative's loathe.
Weiner certainly had a lot of ammunition to make Thomas's misdoings a prima facie legal and political embarrassment for the GOP. This stemmed from Thomas's wife Ginni's mini-king ransom earnings she received from assorted right wing foundations and think tanks. The Heritage Foundation, was a prominent funder of Ginni as well as the ultraconservative Koch brothers, the Coors family and Richard Mellon Scaife, all of which have a major interest in any number of Supreme Court rulings.
Thomas did disclose her earnings. He did not disclose speaking fees and perks he got from a bevy of the same conservative groups that his wife worked for and had close political ties to. And then he refused to acknowledge her involvement with Liberty Central.
A close scrutiny by House Democrats of Thomas's possible wrongdoing was taken off the Congressional table when the Republicans took back control of the House last November. And Thomas's financial misdoings and dubious confirmation hearing testimony quickly fell from the news.
But with the 2012 elections nearing and the possibility that the Democrats could either win back control of the House or substantially boost their numbers there, the Thomas's financial double dealing and shadowy political ties could easily have been back on the political table. Weiner showed intense interest in Thomas's doings, and his public hectoring of Thomas during the health care debate about his financial dealings sent a mild signal that Thomas at some point could be fair game for a probe. That would have done much to further expose the financial, legal, and moral misdeeds by conservatives that the GOP routinely sweeps under the rug.
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Claren ... 6-550.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://progressivetoo.com/2011/06/21/ju ... nnections/
posted by a once proud American
now saddened by what is happening
at the highest levels of our society