by Mr. Perfect » Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:59 am
Alexis, you need to think a little more outside the box. Right now you can use any commodity as an inflation hedge, if you want to.
Remember, currency serves 3 purposes; store of value, medium of exchange, and it measures relative values.
So just about any commodity can achieve all but medium of exchange very effectively. In fact, this is what inflation is, people "dumping dollars" to own commodities, this is why inflation is defined as the rise in the price of commodities across a wide range. You can also measure relative values with your commodity.
Medium of exchange is another matter. The finely divisible and numismatic properties of metals make them the first choice, and the relative quantities of gold and silver make them the first choice of metals, and have made them the first choice when available for thousands of years.
So nothing new there. Just be aware there are lots and lots of hedges out there.
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