by Demon of Undoing » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:57 pm
There is no right or wrong in between nations, I think . There are only sides . Tinker correctly points out where the superpowers have their fingers on the scales of justice- and make no mistake , the US has bigger, fatter fingers in terms of skewing results than anybody on the planet . Just monetary policy would confirm that .
How you deal with strangers is its own thing , and the consensus seems to be that forced train pulling is fine as long as you are the caboose . But you have to be honest within your own borders . Nigeria and many , many others do not rise to the level of credulity with which one might even attempt to dispense justice with a straight face. To even try it on an international level is farcical . That is precisely what this is, too, unless they think Big Dick is actually going househunting in the oil-shat countryside .
Don't get me wrong-
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.