The teabagging of Mr. Perfect

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The teabagging of Mr. Perfect

Postby Mr. Perfect » Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:57 am

It's coming, believe me. It's coming. Ymix had the great idea of cataloging my upcoming teabagging, and I think it's a remarkably good idea. As important as I am, and everything.

As some people are aware, I am begging everyone I can to stand firm if we get a budget cut. They are going to throw everything at us. In the past it has worked. They are going to play the death panel at levels never before seen. I have every expectation that they will tape somebody dying because of budget cuts and loop it on every major network. In order to stand firm on what's coming you will have to be willing to let a baby be shot right in front of you. I've even asked Tinker to set aside his legendary opposition to the GOP and support whoever is for cutting this budget. We'll see on that one, not holding my breath.

So the anklebiters are out, "Mr. Perfect, heh heh, but what are they going to CUT, what are they going to CUT, heh heh," and so forth. Well you'll find out you bastards, but in the meantime what I think a "marker" will be is cutting spending back to 2008 levels.

It will not be a permanent solution. It will barely fix anything. BUT IT WILL BE UNPRECEDENTED, for all intents and purposes. And it if passed, it would assemble a group of legislators from both parties who will actually be willing to cut spending, a coalition that should be able to keep it up as long as the people want it. I have detailed it here:

But the odds are long, I have stated that up front. The GOP may teabag us, and me. They may do it. But if they don't... if they don't.

Catalog any teabagging right here.
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Re: The teabagging of Mr. Perfect

Postby Tinker » Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:58 pm

Asked me to set aside my hate for the GOP?

You really don't understand a thing.

No, I am not going to stand behind anything as vague as 'budget cuts'. If they cut the right things, I'll stand behind it. But they should start with the DEA before they get to medicare. They should start with defense before they get to Social Security. We both know that they won't. So there is nothing to set aside.

Only brain dead morons are for/against spending cuts when the particular spending cuts have yet to be outlined. This is how I am not your twin on the other side. Because I look at ISSUES, not parties. I know this simple concept is completely beyond your comprehension. But there it is.

You quote rhetoric and call it a plan.

I'd like to see what people are cutting. Government spending cuts mean job losses, as you have mentioned. And I could handle seeing a librarian or actuary fired if I saw a soldier sent home, or a DEA agent fired. The problem is that the they are never very specific about what's going to get cut. And they always say they will cut things, and they always seem to manage to increase spending at the same time. How does that work?

When you can explain how the Republicans manage to increase spending, without blaming the Democrats for everything bad, and from there articulate a plan for the future, then I'll believe you have something to offer. But, "Solidarity for Spending Cuts!", is an anemic slogan.
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Re: The teabagging of Mr. Perfect

Postby Mr. Perfect » Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:01 am

Like I said, not holding my breath.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests Patrick Henry

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