In Case You Missed the Corporate Coup D'Etat

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In Case You Missed the Corporate Coup D'Etat

Postby skyhook77sfg » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:58 pm

The Supreme Court has duly certified the corporate takeover of the government of the United States of America.

First by declaring a corporation is not a corporation but a person with human rights and second by decreeing henceforth money is not money but free speech. So now suitcases full of corporate free speech delivered to elected officials cannot possibly be formalized bribery that nullifies a representative democracy.

Recall the battle cry back when corporations actually paid corporate taxes instead of receiving IRS checks for billions like they do today....that constant repetition of "corporations dont pay taxes..people do" followed by explanations of how the consumer actually wound up paying those taxes? Well, guess what folks?
The new numbers are in and the corporate share of tax payments is way down.... from about 30% back when America was booming to less than 10% today. Your tax bill gone down? You get a 23% pay raise last year like corporate CEOs? You pay a 15% tax rate like the hedge fund guy who made $4 billion a yearin the Wall Street Casino... betting Americans will loose their homes? And try to do your banking in offshore tax havens to avoid the IRS like Haliburton and JP Morgan and you will go to jail.

But corporations dont go to jail...only people do.

Whoa! Hold it one damned minute! Something's out of whack here. Didnt those five men in black, formal SCOTUS black, just declare corporations are people? Doesnt our Constution say something pretty clearly about equal treat under the law. Was that repealed? It wasnt on Fox News run by that guy who blessed us with Richard Nixon and
is owned by Ruppert Murdoch's News Corp that got an IRS check for$5 billion or so this year. It wasnt on NBC News owned by IRS favorite General Electric, a corporation that kills ten to twenty thousand workers' jobs at a crack in addition to cashing a $3billion IRS check. It wasnt carried by CNN which is Time/Warner, the guys who can even screw Ted Turner. Imagine what they can do to you. And not a word on ABC which now brings you mickey mouse news made in Disneyland. Wasnt on CBS either. Viacom regularly checks its CBS News department to make sure Edward R. Murrow is still dead and nobody is doing his kind of reporting when they are not hypersexualizing America's youth through MTV and movies and making angry young black men even angrier,

Unfortunately it's even worse people.

The actual counting of the American people's votes has been kindly taken over by corporations. Mammoth government contractor United Technologies is drooling billions to buy out Diebold who swallowed Global Election Systems and suddenly election results in states with electronic voting no longer match how voters said they voted. Corporate quards, a horde of congressmen turned lobbyists, roam the halls of government enforcing discipline among their hired hands, allowing the most servile to feed longest at the public trough. So neither Congress passes legislation nor does the Supreme Court decide a case in favor of the real people in thirty years. Every decision of your government transfers wealth from living breathing people to artifical legal entities...America's "job creators" who prefer creating them in China.

Remember Goldman Sachs billionaire Paulson, yelling the sky will fall if a trillion or so of your money wasnt immediately given to him to pass out to AIG and the likes with no questions asked, no strings attached and no legal recourse. What this so called government officer didnt tell you was if AIG tanked and couldnt pay off his old buddies at Goldman Sachs, they would not only not get their usual $100 million dollar bonuses but go belly up fast. How much was your government guaranteed bonus? Ever get one? If not, you must be the wrong kind of person...the real kind.

Right now, corporations have in their sights the last remaining institutional pillars of American democracy. They are well on their way to "starving the beast" in order to kill state and local governments.... and "drowning the baby in the bathtub" by deficit spending the federal government into oblivion. The critical corporate decision was to transform tax and spend to borrow and spend via the Reagan Revolution, the beginning of the end of the American way of life that once meant jobs that allowed a school bus driver to feed, cloth and house his wife and children and drive them to Daytona Beach for a week or two every year. Now two incomes are barely enough..all to often even two are far too little.

Then there is the most ominous development of all.The one no one wants to talk about in the corporate or government circles that seem to blur together in the D.C. revolving door....corporations have formed their own Praetorian Guard.

The periodic massacre of Iraqi civilians and the heavily armed patrolling of hurricane ravaged New Orleans have made Xe, formerly Blackwater Worldwide, formerly Blackwater USA, the most famous of the rising private corporate armies. But there are many more like DynCorp International and Triple Canopy and Titan Corporation and Aegis Security and Erinys International...all on the path blazed by Executive Outcomes that saved or toppled national governments at will.

In areas of admitted US military operations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, there are often as many contractors as military personnel, diligently kept secret... not from the occupied who know better but from you. And, cost effectiveness be damned, these mercenaries now protect US State Department and CIA personnel. The US military paid for the training of the former military who man these high paying corporate guns that triple taxpayers' cost and force the government to pay hundreds of thousands in reenlistment bonus to retain a special operations man with a million dollars worth of training.

Doesnt seem to make sense, does it?

Unless of course the corporatocracy has concluded they can no longer trust the US military to carry out their orders. In 1994, Marine and Army riflemen were quietly surveyed whether or not they would execute the command to fire upon Americans in a national gun confiscation program.The overwhelming majority of these young American patriots answered they would not. The number of corporate mercenaries has since grown exponentially.

So no need to worry fellow Americans. Whether more debt or default, whether a dollar buys something or nothing, 30% unemployment or even worse,.there will be law and order. Lots and lots of order. The new world order, the corporate order has arrived.

All must dance to a new tune, the new internationale, a corporate shuffle whose words strangely echo past bad times...yowza yowza massuh.
Last edited by skyhook77sfg on Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Case You Missed the Corporate Coup D'Etat

Postby Tinker » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:12 pm

The civil war is next year.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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