by NapLajoieonSteroids » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:54 pm
He clarified on Fox News though:
He's anti-abortion and it will be illegal under his Administration but that people will get raped and when they do, those people and families will turn to have an abortion and get them even when they are illegal and they'll go to jail, but they won't cause he understands, but they will 'cause even though he understands, that doesn't mean he'll pardon them....
(everything I said up until the jail part was his actual incoherent answer.)
Herman Cain is Pro-Choice indeed. He professes his choice of weird and inconsistent answers depending on his audience and the reaction he gets. Ingratiating was the word before 2007, when Senator John Kerry embraced flip-flopper after obstreperously being against it.