contradictions of perpetual mission creep......

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contradictions of perpetual mission creep......

Postby Simple Minded » Wed May 25, 2011 2:21 am

Anyone care to brainstorm mutually exclusive goals that result from Big Brother's continual desire desire to be all things to all people who desire square circles and free lunches?

It does not have to be a characteristic of the US government, but also other nations, states, counties and municipalities........

For example:
- the same entity who professes to help the poor also pay farmers not to plant fields, thus promoting artificially high food costs
- if health care gets better, won't people live longer and thus increase social security costs?
- if corporations (Coke, Nabisco, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, etc.) are targeted with penalty taxes, does that not increase the costs of their products that the poor may buy?
- Sin taxes on tobacco, alcohol, etc. that will be used to fund programs for the social good drives up the cost of the product which reduces revenue over time...
Simple Minded
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