by skyhook77sfg » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:28 pm
a little more on how all this worked out
Shackley, after he left the CIA upon being fired by Turner, was on Clines' payroll as a consultant to Wilson's companies, Systems Services International (SSI), API Distributors, and IRT.
The plan to set up Wilson, in the end, was cooked up by Shackley and Clines, with the Israelis not innocent bystanders. It was leaked to the press that Wilson was a CIA agent and that caused problems for his business interests in Libya, as well as his non-official cover (NOC) status. It was also floated by Shackley that Wilson was involved in the 1976 assassination in Washington of former Salvador Allende Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier.
But Wilson continued to act in his NOC status in Libya. In what was one of the first counter-proliferation operations targeting Libya's acquisition of nuclear material from the French South Pacific nuclear testing program, Wilson provided Langley with details of what Libya was procuring from its supply network, a network that would one day be known as the "A Q Khan" network, the nuclear material smuggling operation run by Pakistan's top nuclear scientist.
With Cappucci and Associates firmly under the control of Shackley and Clines, the firm managed to get the contract to train President Sadat's personal bodyguard. It would be a fateful decision. The Israeli circumvention of the CIA's private network would soon put the Middle East in flames. The CIA had long maintained an association with Iran's Shi'a holy leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. In 1964, after Khomeini was arrested by SAVAK, the CIA arranged for Khomeini to stay at a safe house in the Iraqi Shi'a holy city of Najaf. The CIA's man in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, permitted the CIA to protect Khomeini with a number of CIA Iranian-born security agents. Eventually, Khomeini out stayed his welcome in Iraq and he moved, along with some CIA agents on his personal staff, to a villa outside of Paris.
Khomeini would be grateful to the CIA later.
EATSCO was, meanwhile, shipping arms to the Afghan mujahidin through the cover of its Egyptian business deals. One of the expediters was R. G. Hobelman Shipping Company of Baltimore. With enough baksheesh to go around in Egypt, old Soviet-supplied Egyptian military equipment was being sent to the Afghan mujahidin via Saudi Arabia and Iraq and being replaced with new American military hardware. All of this ultimately implicated, according to Trento, Egyptian Vice President Hosni Mubarak, whose cronies were very involved in the weapons smuggling operation. Mubarak and other top Sadat ministers were CIA assets. The man who managed the CIA's assets in Cairo was William Buckley.
Sadat was growing suspicious of the weapons deals between his vice president and top ministers and the CIA front companies. Sadat may also have had knowledge of the Poet deal between the Reagan campaign and the Iranians. Sadat's people had conducted an audit of the EATSCO/TERSAM contracts and found serious problems with overcharging and unaccounted for money. Sadat's investigation became worrying to Mubarak, Casey, and the entire covert aid network to the Afghans.
On October 6, 1981, while at a military parade, Sadat's CIA-trained security force seemed to step aside as armed military members shot Sadat in his reviewing stand. Mubarak never complained about the CIA-trained security force taking no action to prevent Sadat's assassination.
Trento quotes old General Cappucci as saying that he feared that the Israelis had bugged Wilson's Washington offices for Cappucci and Associates: "It is true. Look . . . Wilson's friends at the CIA were up to their necks with the Israelis -- especially Shackley . . . I had the lace swept repeatedly, and repeatedly bugs would turn up . . . My fear was that the Israelis would get someone in the personal body guard and recruit them to spy on Sadat . . . I never thought they would want to kill him."