Orders of Battle for Banks, Cyberwar etc

Has anyone ever seen methods or measurements used to assess the power of unusual actors such as a bank or cyber-war assets? I know the Sunlight foundation and countless others make efforts to organize and curate data about lobbying groups, so I presume some useful data exists.
Recalling that recent paper that mapped those hyper-connected financial powers, I'm wondering if there are other ways of measuring these "unusual" centers of power, besides connectedness?
As a thought exercise, can anyone think of what you might look for to better understand what operations underpin power in these unusual examples?
Recalling that recent paper that mapped those hyper-connected financial powers, I'm wondering if there are other ways of measuring these "unusual" centers of power, besides connectedness?
As a thought exercise, can anyone think of what you might look for to better understand what operations underpin power in these unusual examples?