by Demon of Undoing » Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:43 am
HN: Excuse No5 in full effect.
It is not my intention to maintain that the US has a fully formed , veteran insurgency. It is my intention to communicate that we have wellore than just a foundation and raw materials for one , and that enough of a descent into chaos will pit us right there. Many of the differences between anything in the US and something in Kunar are simply a matter of time spent under the gun. In most particulars , there is indeed a wide difference. But the right actors , by virtue of their training and experiences , have the capability to easily cause asuch he'll as Z ever thought of. Just the quality of people his American analog could draw from would see to that.
In the end , though, it really does come down to environment. While I do think that America has a core of people functionally nihilistic enough to create Chechnya all over again (" Ve believe in nothing!") , it would indeed take a whole new level of national dysfunction to catalyze that. The judgement comes in knowing how much is already present. I have been curious enough to have entertained the idea of getting neck deep in the stew of that just for shits and goggles , but have become rather burdened by the harness and plow. At 25, I'd do a 90 day training cycle and then go find out where we are now as opposed to, say, 1998.
Oh , and they did go underground , so far that no Time writer could be bothered to look. However , these guys don't exist on goodwill and PR at this point in our history. When they "disappear" , they do not go away. The suburbanites just lose the recent scare the news put in them, and will go back to their wet bikes and big screens. And for the record , as much as I know America will and has to be taken down a peg due to global emergence , I want the masses to stay as docile and as far away from the bad white men as possible. America was a really great idea. It would be sad indeed to see it retreat from primacy into petty fights and shitty little agendas. Infortunately , I think that's exactly what we are doing. America has to either become a true Empire or not, but either way, I think we are looking a generation of very weird quasi- isolation , with some very strange possibilities engendered. I hope the scene I paint isn't one of them.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.