Not a disciple, but they have a good hivemind in a few narrow subjects. The pop culture there is almost totally sophomoric shit.
Science and photography, also two notable subreddits.
FN:Now, someone want to tell me what will happen to design, architecture, the feng shui of everyday life, the shibumi of our surroundings, when we can create and re-assimilate the most intricate of three dimensional art, on a whim, repainting our lives with even the most trivial changes? Yes, it could become the aesthetic equivalent of people Twittering what they are eating for breakfast. Or maybe somebody that would otherwise never live with art a day in his life might see a cool something like this online and print it up like a .pdf. Maybe he looks into the art of dia de los muertos, and connects with some peace he never had. What are the downstreams of little implications like that? And this is trivial, trivial stuff. You have any idea what happens when someone like me @ 16 can print, um , most anything interesting, for nearly free?
Your sanity is the suitcase.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.